***INT CAR*** **NIKKI is in the passenger seat of TAMTU'S car, driving through the european countryside to france. It's obvious there's been a lot of uncomfortable silences between the two. ***Car engine idly hums as they travel NIKKI (beat, breaking an awkward silence) Are we still on A27? TAMTU (slightly jarred, breaking his road hypnosis) Er-huh? Uh...yeah. (beat) NIKKI Our exit's near Antwerp, right? TAMTU Yep, E19...(quietly) I think... NIKKI You 'think'? Haven't you, like, taken this road before? TAMTU Well, er, yeah. Plenty of times. (beat) Just not while I was driving. (beat) NIKKI (under her breath) Motherfucking... *CUT TO ***EXT, COUNTRYSIDE*** ***NIKKI is having a face to face with the producer of this RP. NIKKI So we're heading out to Paris. Two days and two nights in the City of Lights. PRODUCER (quiet, off-camera as it were) How long have you been in Europe? NIKKI Hm? Oh...a good week or so now. Came to visit my boyfriend over there...Mister Memorized Roadmap over there... TAMTU (near the car, calling out) Sweetie honey, please do hurry! We are LOSING time! NIKKI (calling back) FINE, WHATEVER!...God...(to PRODUCER) It's been fun, I guess...it's been awkward at times, the whole 'stranger in a strange land' scenario...I'm sure it was the same way for him the times he visited me, but, like...I live in Novato, you know? **CUT TO ***INT CAR*** ***Back in the car, the two finally arrive in Paris, driving past the Champs-Élysées. TAMTU (whistles) There's the Arc. Beautiful, huh? NIKKI (slightly awed) Yeah...it's amazing... TAMTU What a beautiful place. (pause) NIKKI ...Yeah. TAMTU The...*perfect* setting. Don't you agree? (very awkward pause) NIKKI ...Excuse me? TAMTU You know...hee-hee-heeee... NIKKI (impatient sigh) Fuck, alright. We had this chat before, didn't we? DIDN'T we? TAMTU (dejectedly) Yes... NIKKI You are SERIOUSLY getting into my personal zone right now, you know that? TAMTU Yes ma'am... NIKKI You're in my red zone. I want you to take two steps back, alright? TAMTU To the yellow zone? NIKKI That's right. Take that attitude aaaaall the way back to the yellow zone. **CUT TO ***NIKKI's face to face with the producer again NIKKI I have no fucking clue where he gets his ideas...God...he wants to get into my pants. There. I said it, let's have a laugh, 'ha-ha', okay? (beat) No way. Nuh-uh, no fucking way. There's a time and a place for that, and this is definitely not said place and time. The little pervert.