
September 2004

I guess one of the hardest parts of any project is keeping focus. I as the writer have found it really hard to get my teeth back in and edit the script where need be. Andy's also hit a few bumps which are either good news or bad ;3 He's fished a lot of animation in rough now some of which I scene and it's looking lovely. It also looks like JoL if left entirely alone will be much longer that we planned, so I guess it's even less likely that you'll get a date for it any time soon^_^,, sorry guys. We'll get there.

Unfortunately there was some scheduling problems for the Brit Animators panel at Amecon and we were scheduled on Friday when most people are still arriving and are settling in. As well as myself there was Ashe Raven & Stitch of Moonwolf, Scott & Hel of Makenai. We didn't have to much time to prepare so it was just a casual chat where the new JoL Trailer .

I hope to have some photos of the panel up soon I just have to get the pictures developed. One issue that was raised was T-shirts and Merchandise. Andy gave me a JoL shirt which he had printed and the most frequent question I heard was " Where can I get one?"

Would people really be interested in JoL shirts? e-mail me ;3
